Anatomy & Physiology, Physical Science, Earth Science, Life Science
eLearning Information:
Complete designated “eLearning” folders found on your Schoology account
Please email questions to
After completing the eLearning assignments, please complete any missing Schoology assignments
Science Textbook
Note-taking Paper (Chromebook for 9th-12th)
Writing Utensils
Folder or Organizer for handouts, notes, etc.
At times we will work on diagrams or projects during class, and students should have additional items available in their locker:
Colored Pencils (12 count standard colors)
Post-it Notes (3”)
School Scissors
Class Policies:
Be Responsible.
Assignments should be completed on time.
Take quality notes during class.
Chromebooks should be used wisely.
Schedule your time to allow for quality work.
Listen to or read instructions carefully before beginning.
Be Respectful.
Classroom behavior should not distract others.
Scientific instruments are not toys.
There’s only one YOU, God created everyone else different.
Be Safe.
Labs should be completed during lab times with teacher supervision.
Science materials should be treated safely at all times.
Goofing around will not be tolerated.
Assignment Values:
Homework 40%
Quizzes 30%
Tests 30%
Other things to Remember:
Section and Chapter review questions are intended to reinforce the material in the textbook. These assignments should be kept for review and studying purposes.
Copying answers and claiming them for your own is cheating and will be dealt with according to ICA policies.
Misuse of your Chromebook will result in loss of the device temporarily, possible demerit or detention penalties, and parental contact. If your textbook is on your device, you don’t want to lose it.
Misused or broken science equipment will be replaced by the student(s) responsible.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Session 1 - Getting to the Heart of Behavior
Session 2 - You’re in Charge
Session 3 - Shaping Influences
Session 4 - Godward Orientation
Session 5 - Examine Your Goals
Session 6 - Discarding Unbiblical Goals
Session 7 - Biblical Communication
Session 8 - Appeal to Conscience
Session 9 - Biblical Discipline
Session 10 - The Years 0-5
Session 11 - The Years 6-12
ARTICLE - Helping Children Deal With Emotions
RESOURCE - Seven Traits of Effective Parenting Assessment