We are proud of our faculty and staff at Indiana Christian Academy! Their dedication and love for the students is clear as soon as you meet them.
Preschool teachers
Katie Jones - KinderKids K3
Candice Ainsworth - KinderKids K4 / KinderKids Director
Micah Ladson - KinderKids K4
Aubre Andreoni - K5
Joni Ellis - K5
Elementary teachers
Ruth Schieber - First Grade
Bethany Thomas - First Grade
Tara Flanigan - Second Grade
Lisa Gunther - Second Grade
Cierra Rushing - Third Grade
Paula Smith - Fourth Grade
Carrie Warner - Fifth Grade
Erica Reasoner - Resources
Kelly Matlock - Resources
Tonya Hodson - Teacher’s Aide
Secondary Teachers
Joshua Csire - Bible/World History/Spanish
David Luttrull - Computer
Matt Sands - Bible
Ashlee Metzger - MS Science/MS History
Benjamin Worsham - Bible/Physical Education
Denise Ratje - English
Dr. Daniel Stevens - Bible Doctrines / Advanced PE
Chandler Ainsworth - Study Hall
Carlos Herrera - Mathematics
Joel Warner - Sciences
Carrie Warner - English / PE / Photography
Jimmy Gilbert - Bible
Kristen Baisley - Choir
Don Lamb - Band
Cheenu Desai - Piano/Woodwind Instructor
Dr. Christina Lamb - Elementary Music, Beginning Piano, Voice Instructor
Administration & Support staff
Kevin Plew - Administrator
Aaron Ainsworth - Assistant Administrator / Dean
Emily Dollens - Accounts Receivable
Braden Metzger - Custodian
Robert Tucker - Financial Administrator
Krisa Sands - Voucher Admin/DOE Liaison
Greg Royston - Maintenance Supervisor
Kimberly Plew - Assistant Administrator
Jill Bark - Student Health Professional
Christine Roysden - Office Assistant
Stephanie Engelberth - Office Administrator
Alice Wells - Kitchen Assistant
Emily Seeger - Library / Art
Brenda Salazar - Kitchen