Welcome to my class page. I graduated from ICA in 1995 and attended Bob Jones University to study English Education. I graduated from BJU in 1998 and have taught in several capacities in the years since then. I am thoroughly excited to teach your child and want the best for him/her. I am glad to work with you to make this year great for your child!
Here, you will find announcements posted about tests, assignments, and occasional projects. Please feel free to contact me at any time via the website. E-mail is a great way to contact me, especially during volleyball season. If you would like my cell number, please e-mail me, and I will give you my number and gladly correspond with you via text.
Service Hours should be entered on renweb now.
Assignments: Week of 5/20—Finals
English 10
English 8
English 11
English 9
English 12
Class Policies
1. Be on time…every day! If you’re in by the bell, that’s fine, but get seated as quickly as possible. Don’t make me tell you to sit down after the bell has rung.
2. Be prepared…every day! (Paper, pen or pencil, mobile device, textbook, notebook, etc.... You know what you need, so have it with you.)
3. Be respectful in class. Respect me and others by talking only at designated and appropriate times. Don’t distract others. Stay awake and attentive.
4. Behave maturely and appropriately. Different activities require different types of behavior. Know when to talk, laugh, or contribute to discussion and when to be calm and quiet. Demerits or detention will be given if offenses occur regularly.
5. Complete homework on time CONSISTENTLY. If you miss a day of school, the day you return you should find out what you missed, check the homework folders on the board, and talk with me to schedule a time to make up any quizzes or tests you missed or finalize your due dates for missed work. MISSED WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!
6. Late work.
a. 25% grade deduction for first day late. For example, if an assignment is due Tuesday, and you turn it in Wednesday, the assignment automatically begins at a 75%. Any points missed will be deducted from the 75%.
7. Strive to do your best work on every assignment. Don’t settle for sloppy, poorly done work. Work hard and give your all. “Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all thy might.” Ecc. 9:10
8. Respect assignment due dates. Use your time wisely and do your work ON TIME!
9. Use blue or black ink or pencil only for tests and assignments that you hand in to me. You may use other colors for note taking or class work that does not need to be turned in.
10. Handle your electronic devices wisely. Do not be texting, playing games, surfing the net, downloading apps, etc. The use of tablets or iPads is a privilege to be used wisely. Misuse of your device will result in loss of the device temporarily, possible demerit or detention penalties, and parental contact. If your textbook is on your device, you don’t want to lose it.
11. Test policies
a. Procedure:
i. No talking during ANY test.
ii. Spread out when possible.
iii. Follow any special instructions I give carefully.
b. Absences:
i. If you are absent the day before the test, but you knew when the test was scheduled, and no new material has been given, and you return to school on the scheduled test day, you will take the test with the rest of the class.
ii. If you are absent the day before the test and NEW MATERIAL IS GIVEN, you will be given as many days as you were absent to make up the test.
iii. If you are absent the day of the test, you will need to make up the test the day you return.
iv. You will need to make up any missed tests in a study hall or after school to avoid missing any more class time.
v. Exceptions will be made only upon talking with Mrs. Plew and for extenuating circumstances.