Welcome 7th and 8th grade students and parents to Bible: The Story of the Old Testament. Assignments shown below are shown in the day that they were assigned. Assignments should have a due date noted by the assignment. If you need to contact Mr. Plew, please use the form below.
Assignments Due on These Dates:
eLearning Day - Friday, April 5 - Read Joshua 4:1-24. Answer these 4 questions:
How many men did Joshua use to pull stones out of the Jordan River?
What did Joshua do in the middle of the Jordan river (look at verses 7-9)?
What happened to the waters of the Jordan when the priests came out of the water (verses 15-19)?
According to verses 23 and 24 why did God have them set up memorials?
When you complete these questions, submit them to Mr. Plew in class by no later than Wednesday, April 10.